6822-060T-05 High Horse by Circle Y Dusty Road Trail Saddle 16" Seat Wide Tree

Product Code: 126399

Availability:In stock

$2,099.00 2,099.00

The Dusty Road is made with rich chestnut leather that is perfectly accented with a hand-tooled border called Mountain Pass. This deep red finish pairs nicely with the wooden stirrups and pebbled ranger grainout seat. This seat material is great for adding grip and is known for its durability. The padded seat and pre-turned stirrups will keep you riding in comfort. Six strings make it easy to attach gear for those long rides.

  • 27 pounds 
  • 4" cantle
  • 3 1/4" tall horn 
  • The seat material is a Ranger heavy grain. It is a durable material that has a pebbled-like texture which provides you extra grip.
        • Trail riders looking for a traditional western-style saddle.
        • Riders looking for a more open-feeling seat.
        • Riders who want a lightweight comfortable saddle.

        • The pre-turned fenders won't put pressure on your joints.
        • The double-padded seat will be comfortable all day.
        • The six strings will make it easy to attach your bags and gear.
        • The 3-way rigging allows you multiple rigging positions to accommodate         different fit needs.

        • The placement of the saddle on the horse’s back is important to function and comfort. The correct saddling position places the front edge of the bar BEHIND the horse’s shoulder blade. This is the sweet spot where the saddle will rest comfortably without interfering with the horse’s movement.
        • We take saddle fit seriously! Often, we see riders over-padding on a well-fitting saddle. This can lead to poor saddle fit, saddle sores, and a sore back! It’s a good rule of thumb to always check your fit and adjust pad width sizing accordingly!
        • Have you evaluated your horse’s topline conformation? A weak topline can lead to poor saddle fit. Horses with hollows behind the shoulder, asymmetry, prominent spines, swaybacks, and downhill build need correctional pads to ensure proper fit. Check out the correction pads at Reinsman Equestrian today to ensure your horse’s comfort.

        • 10 Year tree warranty.
        • 1 Year craftsmanship warranty.

       • Every new saddle has been oiled and then finished with a protective finish, which means you won't need to oil for about six months.
       • Do not use detergent-based, solvent, or harsh cleaning products.
       • Rub the leather gently with leather soap and water.
       • Test in a small area before cleaning the entire saddle.